A quick tip from Raj Shah, President of Convergent
An effective telecom upgrade requires you to keep track of important processes and procedures, and to share them with the right people. Documenting your upgrade in the early stages will equip your staff with crucial information to help streamline operation once the new system is up and running.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Before beginning the upgrade project, document your goals, processes, and timeline to use as a template for subsequent documentation.
- Store the vital information in a central location (preferably in the cloud) that all staff can access, and let them know where to find it. Further, information should be crafted in a format that’s easy for staff to understand (i.e., define potentially confusing acronyms or technical jargon).
- Setbacks and stumbling blocks are unfortunate, but informative—when problems occur, make a note, determine the cause, and work to avoid down the road.
- When you’re ready, review data, perform tests and check in across the organization to determine how implementation is going—your staff will help determine problems, and point out opportunities to make your telecom upgrade even more effective.
With 40 years of experience facilitating telecom upgrades, Convergent can help you develop the right documentation and ensure your system implementation goes smoothly. Call us at 585-770-1000 or email [email protected], and we’ll get you started on the journey to streamlined communication.